Puloon USA ATMs - The Best in the Business - GoldStar ATM

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GoldStar ATM is proud to present our latest ATM lineup, the incredible Puloon USA ATMs. Puloon has manufactured ATM parts for over 20 years: fast, reliable, best-of-breed cash dispensers, and more. Now they have released two ATM models that are quickly taking the ATM world by storm!

Puloon SiriUs I ATM

The Puloon SiriUs I is literally the smallest footprint ATM in the industry – it will fit a space as small as 14″ x 22″ – it’s tiny!  But it has industrial-strength reliability and can be configured with up to 8k in cash dispensing ( 4 x 2K), which makes it suitable for the highest volume establishments with the least space to spare. The SiriUs I is EMV compliant, comes with an E-lock, and has a fantastic software platform that keeps transaction speeds at the highest levels possible. This little ATM packs a HUGE PUNCH.

Puloon SiriUs II ATM

The Puloon Sirius II ATM has all of the fantastic features as its little brother, but is loaded with a brilliant 15″ LCD display, and has the design aesthetic to not only compliment but even improve the most updated and modern decor. The sleek gray and black design is modern, futuristic even, and can only be shown up by the size and color of the large display in the SiriUs II ATM. It features all of the latest security and again the software architecture of Puloon ATMs allows for a fantastic number of transactions in any given hour – productive and attractive.

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